Wednesday, March 2, 2011

'Shirts Off' Weather!

A 50°F day at the Powerlinez can be 'shirts off' weather, and so the season is crashing upon us!  I don't know about you, but I'm catching the bug like Mid-east Democracy.
         Let us realize, though, that this year is going bring some challenges.  Thanks to yours truly, ahem, The 'Powerlinez' guidebook is on sale at The Gravity Vault, Rock and Snow, and Brooklyn Boulders. So, it would be reasonable and prudent to expect more climbers and boulderers.
         It's probably time for a plan.  A Climbing Management Plan as they call it over at the Access Fund site.  And I know what you're thinking, "That sounds like about as much fun as carrying water in paper bags." Right?  
      Hold that thought.  Ever been part of a bouldering party?  Top-rope party?  FA Party?  Party is an appropriate word.  Now, the way I see it, a Climbing Management Plan is our way of throwing a great party.  It is truly our party plan, and how we make sure we can host the best, sustainable climbing and bouldering party on the planet.  Now, there's some deep, big picture, thoughts.  Meditate on that for a bit, and we'll work something out.  Jon.


  1. We've been out climbing 'The Linez' a few times already. The sun really warms the place up! Bring on the warm weather! Climbing Management Plan...lets do it...

  2. I was out there yesterday and it felt like 60 deg! I ran into five other people and we had four crashpads, and I tackled stuff I wasn't even considering. A very good day. And glad to hear some excitement for the CMP, I think we're definitely going to have people, if they work well together could be nirvana... Yeah, lower case 'nirvana' seems appropriate.
